
United we serve:

Step up. Stand out. Make a difference. Make the world a better place. Serve your country. Give of yourself. Stand up for what you believe in. Inspire others. Make an impact. Throughout our lives, we’re bombarded with messages, pleading, commanding and motivating us to give back to our communities and the world at large. Golden Key members have internalized these messages and made community service a regular part of our lives.


Service Oportunities:

We aim to make a positive difference both locally and globally. Golden Key chapters perform more than 180,000 community service hours each year, and since Society membership is a reward for academic achievement, the service projects and charities it promotes are primarily focused on education. Learn more about opportunities to participate in literacy-related projects.


Global Youth Service Day:

Global Youth Service Day is an international event that takes place once a year and celebrates the contributions of youth to their communities through volunteering and charity work. Golden Key is an active participant in this special day, as its members organize local service events focused on learning. Find out more.
Make a Difference Day: 

A celebration of neighbors helping neighbors, Make a Difference Day is a national day dedicated to helping others in the communities in which we live. Golden Key members are a large part of the 3 million people around the country who volunteer on Make a Difference Day each year. Learn how you can make a difference.

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